ATS Programming Foundations
1. Preface
1.1. What is ATS programming language?
1.2. The goal of this book
1.3. The other documents
2. Install ATS compiler
2.1. Linux
2.2. Windows
2.3. Mac OS X
3. “Hello, world!” on ATS
3.1. ATS program to do nothing
3.2. Compile and run it
3.3. Print character string on console
4. Basic data types
4.1. Integer
4.2. Real number
4.3. Boolean value
4.4. The other data types
5. Constant definition
5.1. Constant (immutable) variable
5.2. (Mutable) variable
6. Function definition
6.1. Syntax to define function
6.2. Typechecking
7. Conditional branch
7.1. Syntax to define conditional branch
7.2. Conditional branch is also an expression
8. Showing types
8.1. $showtype directive
8.2. Integer
8.3. Character string
8.4. Function
9. Understanding error messages
10. Tuples
11. Records
12. Character string
12.1. Immutable string
12.2. Mutable string
13. List
14. Recursive functions
15. Recursion on natural numbers
16. Dijkstra’s algorithm
ATS Programming Foundations
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